Hanna Zdanowska
Mayor of Łódź and Member of the European Committee of Regions | Poland
Hanna Zdanowska, graduate of the Łódź University of Technology and Member of the Polish Parliament from 2007 until 2010, was elected for her third term as mayor in 2018, receiving an impressive 70.22 % of the vote in the first round. But looking at her achievements since 2010, we are not surprised that the vast majority of Łódź didn’t wish for another mayor: Hanna is a full member of the European Committee of the Regions and member of its Green Deal Going Local Working Group, engaged in work for ENVE and SEDEC Commissions, and was nominated National Ambassador of the Covenant of Mayors. Besides these admirable positions she holds, the committed climate actions and citizens engagement leader joined the European Family of Climate Pact Ambassadors and started the largest revitalisation programme in Poland in her city.