Christoph Gollner
Coordinator of PED Transition Pathway at JPI Urban Europe / FFG | Ausrtia
As the coordinator for the Positive Energy Districts (PED) Transition Pathway of the Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) Partnership, Christoph Gollner has been working for the strategic development of neighbourhood-oriented solutions for the urban energy transition towards climate neutrality for almost four years. City administrations are the key target group for this ambition, since approaches need to be included and mainstreamed in urban development processes. They develop tools for empowering public administrations through capacity-building and the development of guides and tools. Based on extensive consultations and cooperation with city representatives and other stakeholder groups, Christoph and his team put the stakeholders’ priorities, challenges and needs as the foundation for annual transnational calls for projects. These calls put a strong focus on holistic concepts for livable, inclusive, and climate-neutral urban neighbourhoods and support on-site testing environments, such as Urban Living Labs.